Getting Down In The Heights Latin Style

In The Heights En Español, directed by Luis Salgado, is a bilingual adaptation of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s mid-2000’s original…

Lilting Melodies, Ballads and Flamenco

I first met Javier Colina in one of those smoked filled jazz nightclubs in Madrid, don't remember if…
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Mexican Pepper Spray

The prolific Mexican playwright, Emilio Carballido's, "I Too Speak of the Rose", a forceful montage of realistic and…
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Joselito Casa de Comidas new Spanish restaurant on Capitol Hill

There is a new Spanish restaurant on Capitol Hill with the original title of, "Joselito; Casa de Comidas".…
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SOPLA, Lizana's Delightful Jazz & Flamenco Show

Spain Arts & Culture (, a new and rising force in Spain's cultural diplomacy arsenal, is putting together…
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Washington, DC – GALA Hispanic Theatre continues its 41st season with the U.S. premiere of the modern Mexican…
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The Silences of Flamenco: GALA Theatre's Casa Patas Show

It has been twelve years now since Madrid's; "Fundacion Conservatorio Flamenco Casa Patas" began sending flamenco groups to…
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Restoring Human Dignity One Person at a Time

They walk in with a look of lost bewilderment, many of them children searching for family, and all…
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