Jose Sueiro

Jose Sueiro

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Day 15: of this wonderful journey through the north of Spain

Day 15 of this wonderful journey through the north of Spain in the beautiful little village of Torrecillas, in the Cameros region of La Rioja nestled between jagged peaks & the 'Iregua' -a gurgling mountain stream. Staying in the quaint bed & breakfast; Villa Liquidambar w/my friend José Joaquín Sanz García.

Day 13-14: travels through the north of Spain. Leaving Galicia

Day 13-14, travels through the north of Spain. Leaving Galicia, but not before saying goodbye in Pontevedra to my cousins, the Estevez sisters, Margot, Amelia & (not pictured here) Maria del Carmen.
So overwhelmed with emotion I forgot to take the photo 'de rigor' & had to settle w/a photo from the car from my travel companion upon meeting them.

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